Villagers are now re-enabled and I have made a few more changes beyond that.
Any villagers you interact with now will have their enchanted book trades scanned and adjusted. The trades will no longer take books and will instead take a combination of emerald blocks and emeralds for their trades.
In addition to this change every job will be able to make use of GoS repair now. To still give a reason to use blacksmith when repairing your tools blacksmiths will receive a 2.5% bonus in durablity repaired per level. So at level 50 you will receive an extra 125% durability repaired per material used. Blacksmiths will also take full advantage of the GoS level bonus repair while for other jobs it will only be 50% as effective.
Finally the recipe for Mending books has been changed, instead of a flawless diamond it will now use a legendary monster essence which will drop 50% of the time from legendary monsters.
Any villagers you interact with now will have their enchanted book trades scanned and adjusted. The trades will no longer take books and will instead take a combination of emerald blocks and emeralds for their trades.
These are the new emerald requirements for villagers with enchanted book trades. The costs are multiplied by the level of the enchanted book, so a sharpness 1 book would be 10 emeralds, but a sharpness 5 book will be 50.aqua_affinity: 16
bane_of_arthropods: 8
blast_protection: 8
channeling: 24
binding_curse: 1
vanishing_curse: 1
depth_strider: 15
efficiency: 10
feather_falling: 16
fire_aspect: 12
fire_protection: 8
flame: 13
fortune: 20
frost_walker: 20
impaling: 10
infinity: 20
knockback: 8
looting: 15
loyalty: 10
luck_of_the_sea: 9
lure: 9
mending: 500
multishot: 10
piercing: 10
power: 8
projectile_protection: 8
protection: 9
punch: 7
quick_charge: 8
respiration: 10
riptide: 10
sharpness: 10
silk_touch: 15
smite: 8
sweeping_edge: 8
thorns: 6
unbreaking: 10
In addition to this change every job will be able to make use of GoS repair now. To still give a reason to use blacksmith when repairing your tools blacksmiths will receive a 2.5% bonus in durablity repaired per level. So at level 50 you will receive an extra 125% durability repaired per material used. Blacksmiths will also take full advantage of the GoS level bonus repair while for other jobs it will only be 50% as effective.
Finally the recipe for Mending books has been changed, instead of a flawless diamond it will now use a legendary monster essence which will drop 50% of the time from legendary monsters.