

New member
Sep 27, 2019
Once the server recognizes that you've voted and sends a reward to your claim, it should record the time that the vote went through. The player would then be able to recall it with a command - /lastvote, for an easy name - to know how long it's been since each site last took a vote from them. This would help with the 2 out of 5 sites that don't tell you how long you have left until it refreshes, and the 3 out of 5 that don't tell you until you've tried voting, which can trigger reCaptcha's cooldown and possibly make you do the annoying robot minigame.

Since TopG's cooldown is 12 hours rather than 24, I'd suggest recording each site's time and returning them all with the command in one line each.

This will help someone like me with no internal clock to keep an active voting record and by proxy recruit more active members to the game. It also shouldn't be any strain, since it's keeping a ledger only 5 dates large per player and recorded on your end rather than querying the actual sites.