Make special mobs less... grindy


New member
Oct 7, 2019
Due to how the combat mechanics in Minecraft have changed for the worst, I think it's high time the server adapts for the better in my opinion.

Currently, the vanilla combat system is a cooldown based system, where swinging a sword or axe will give a cooldown to when the next strike is "appropriate" to happen, sword being 0,8 seconds and axe 1 whole second.
The server's special mobs are therefore bunch of minutes of grinding. This has serious hitbacks on the jobs specific for mob killing, treasure hunting and generally just is a giant nuisance at least in my opinion if not others.

Like, this could've all been avoided (in my opinion) if Mojang never implimented the new combat mechanic, but alas here we are, to suffer.
Any critique, responses? Tyvm.



Sep 26, 2019
1.8 combat was terrible.
1.9+ combat is also terrible.

Mojang should have implemented a better combat system from the start.

I think the hard mobs should actually be hard, which they do alright.
They could use a small buff to how much they boost exp gain though.

Currently higher tier mobs has a higher multiplier on how much vanilla and job exp they grant, and also grant a higher chance of decent rewards.

I also think they need to drop interesting rewards instead of dropping the same stuff as strong mobs half the time.