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Towny Commands

Please Note: /t is interchangeable with /town You may be (deputy-)mayor only on your homeserver, and a resident on one town on all other servers. The highest rank you can have is Assistant on all other servers.
<accordion> <panel title=“All Players”> /t new [name]
Creates a town with the name specified (if available). The plot you are standing in when this command is entered will be set as your new town's homeblock (this can later be moved at no cost: see “/t set homeblock”). You must not be currently within a town or within 8 plots of a town.

/t [name]
Shows a town's info and permissions. See the FIXME guide to understand how to read what the permissions of the town are set as.

/t list
Lists all towns currently on the server.

/t here
Shows you the town info and permissions of the town you are standing in. See the FIXME guide to understand how to read what the permissions of the town are set as.

/t spawn [town]
Teleports you to another town's spawn, you can only do this if the town is public

/t join [townname]
Command to join a town that is set to open (see “/t toggle open” command)

/t ?
Shows the player some town commands available.

/plot ?
shows some plot commands.

/plot perm
Displays plot permission information for the plot you are in. See the FIXME guide for how to understand the format.

/towny top residents town
Displays towns by most residents
</panel> </accordion>

/t unclaim all
Unclaims all plots the town owns.

/t delete
Deletes the town.

/t set mayor [resident]
Changes the town's mayor (You will lose your mayor rank as there can only be one mayor).

/t kick [resident]
Kicks residents from your town, you can add as many people as you can fit in 1 line.

/t unclaim
Unclaims the plot in which you are standing.

/t unclaim # (radius around current position)
Unclaims an area of plots around you.

/t buy outposts [#]
Buys more outpost slots for your town. Each slot costs $500 each.
Note: As stated in “/t claim outpost” under surveyors, it will also cost $500 to claim the outpost.

/t withdraw [#]
Removes money from the town bank.

/t set banner
Sets the banner currently held as the town banner. This will change the color of the town border on dynmap according to the color of the banner.

/t set board [message]
Sets the town board to the designated message.

/t set name [name]
Sets the town name.

/t set spawn
Sets the town spawn and homeblock where you are standing.

Note: R, A, and O can be substituted for Resident, Ally, and Outsider perms.

/t set perm [on/off]
Toggles all permissions on or off for the town.

/t set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off]
Either gives or removes all of the selected groups perms.

/t set perm [build/destroy/switch/itemuse/fly] [On/off]
Either gives or takes designated perm from all players who are not assistant+ in the town.

/t set perm [resident/ally/putsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse/fly] [On/off]
Either gives or takes designated perm from all players in the designated group.

/t set perm reset
Resets all perm permissions in all plots in the town.

/t set tag [upto4characters]
Sets the towns tag, which replaces the towns name in the chat line.

/t set tag clear
Clears the tag for the town.

Note: All Taxes are collected based on real life days, not in-game days.

/t set plottax [$]
Sets taxes collected from each resident daily, per plot that they own.

/t set plotprice ($)
Sets default price of a plot for the town.

/t set shopprice ($)
Sets default price of a shop plot for the town.

/t set shoptax ($)
Sets taxes collected from each resident daily, per shop plot that they own.

/t set embassyprice [$]
Sets default price of a embassy plot for the town.

/t set embassytax [$]
Sets taxes collected from each resident daily, per embassy plot that they own.

/plot set shop
Sets a plot to a shop plot.

/plot set embassy
Sets a plot to an embassy plot.
Note: Embassy plots allow non-residents (outsiders) to claim a plot in your town.

/plot set arena
Sets a plot to an arena plot. This is the only way to allow PvP with nation members.

/plot set wilds
Sets a plot to a wilds plot.

/plot set reset
Sets a shop/embassy/wilds/arena plot back to a normal plot.

/towny time
Shows the time when taxes will be next collected.

; /t add (Resident) (Resident) … : Adds residents to your town, you can add as many people as you can fit in 1 line ; /t rank (add/remove) (playername) (rankname) : Grants/removes ranks to a resident in town, current ranks are: Resident, Surveyor, Assistant, Deputy-Mayor, and Mayor, you can only give people ranks lower than yours. ; /t set outpost [#] : Moves the town block in which you will spawn for an outpost (when using “/t outpost (#)”) ; /t buy warps [#] : Buys {#} warps for town. ; /t set warp [warp-name] : Sets a town warp where the player is standing. ; /t delwarp [warp-name] : Deletes a town warp. ; /t toggle explosion : Turns explosions on/off in the town. ; /t toggle fire : Turns fire on/off in the town. ; /t toggle mobs : Turns hostile mob spawning on/off in the town. ; /t toggle public : Turns public teleporting to your town on/off. ; /t toggle pvp : Turns pvp on/off in the town. ; /t toggle open : Turns public joining on/off in the town. When this is on, any player without a current town can use “/t join (townname)” to join your town. ; /plot fs (#) : Sets a plot for sale in a radius. ; /t set plotprice ($) : Sets the plot price for all plots for sale. ; /plot fs (#) ($) : Sets a plot for sale in a radius for a certain price. ; /plot fs circle/rect # : Puts up plots for sale in a circle or rectangle shape. ; /plot fs $$ circle/rect # : Puts up plots for sale for a certain price in a circle or rectangle shape. ; /plot nfs : Sets a plot to not be for sale. ; /plot nfs circle/rect # : Sets plots not to be for sale in a circle or rectangle shape.

; /t add (Resident) (Resident) … : Adds residents to your town, you can add as many people as you can fit in 1 line

;/t claim : Claims the plot in which you are standing for your town, needs to be adjacent to another plot of your town ; /t claim outpost : Claims the plot in which you are standing for your town as an outpost. This is used to claim land that is not connected to your town. : Note: Claiming an outpost costs $500 and new towns have a limit of 1 outpost. More outpost slots can be purchased (see /t buy outposts [#]). ; /t claim # (radius around current position) : Claims an area of plots around you for your town. ; /t claim auto : Claims as many plots as possible as determined by the amount of money in your town's bank and available town blocks.

; /t : Shows a player their town's info and permissions. See the [| Checking Plot/Town Permissions] guide to understand how to read what the permissions of the town are set as. ; /t spawn : Teleports you to your town's spawn. ; /t online :Shows players in your town which are online. ; /t deposit ($) : Adds money to your town's bank (from your balance). : The town bank can store up to $1,000,000. : Note: Only Mayors and Deputy-Mayors may withdraw money from town banks. ; /t warp [warpname] : Teleports the player to their town's town warp of their choice. ; /t warp [town] [warpname] : Teleports the player to the town warp of a town of their choice. ; /t outpost (#) : Teleports the player to that outpost, they are numbered by claim order. ; /t banner : Converts a held banner into a town banner. ; /t ranklist : Displays residents and their ranks. ;/plot claim : Personally claims a plot that is for sale. ; /plot claim auto : Personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player. : Note: When this is activated you will purchase plots that you walk onto if they are listed for sale. ; /plot set perm [friend/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse/fly] [on/off] : Sets the plot permissions on an owned plot. Mayors/deputy-mayors can edit the permissions on unowned plots. ; /plot unclaim : Unclaims your plot you're standing on. : Note: After unclaiming, the plot will be an unowned plot for sale at the default price set by the Deputy-Mayor or Mayor (see /t set plotprice ($)) ; /plot unclaim circle/rect (#) :Unclaims personally owned plots in a circle or rectangle shape.

; /t ally add (town name) : Adds a town to your town's ally list. ; /t ally remove (town name) : Removes a town from your town's ally list. ; /t enemy add (town name) : Adds a town to your town's enemy list. ; /t enemy remove (town name) : Removes a town from your town's enemy list. ; /t set diplomacy hostile : Sets your town to declare war on anyone who declares war on your town. ; /t set diplomacy neutral : Default state of towns where other towns can declare war on yours. ; /t set diplomacy peaceful : Allows your town to avoid taking part in wars. ; /t war : Displays the town war UI.

There are a lot of commands here that might seem overwhelming, but don't despair! You will likely only use some of the commands here. If you need further help, type “/h [your question here]” in the chat to ask in help chat. Good luck and have fun! ;Below is a link to the official Towny Plugin's Wiki page. :[ Towny Wiki] Please take note that some implementations of the plugin are customized by our developer team so as to work in tandem with the other plugins on our server. Due to this, some information may be slightly different on OMM.

  • towny/commands.1569772907.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/09/29 09:01
  • by Zemoj