Decoration Blocks

Decoration blocks are placeable ornaments that can be used by all players. These blocks add vibrancy to empty spaces and help define the theme of an area.

Obtaining Decoration Blocks

To obtain decoration blocks they must be purchased in the store. To access the decoration block store UI do /blocks command.

Blocks of each category share the same price and the prices vary from $100-500. Used the feather to flip to the next page of a category. Use the glass pane to clear the shopping list. Hover of the paper to tell you what items are in the shopping cart. Click the nether star to purchase.

Decoration Block Catagories

The Decoration Block store lists 11 available categories. Click on each category to open the list.


The alphabet category contains all single-digit numbers, arrows of all four directions, and the entire alphabet:

Price: $100


The blocks category contains various Minecraft blocks:

Price: $200


The devices category contains popular electronics from the modern world:

Price: $400


The exterior category contains objects from the outside world:

Price: $200


The game category contains items from popular games:

Price: $300


The Halloween category contains items which are Halloween themed:

Price: $200


The holiday category contains, December Holiday stuff! The only thing in this category at the moment is a blue present:

Price: $200


The interior category contains a multitude of items placed inside of the house:

Price: $200


The items category contains items from Minecraft:

Price: $200


The Misc category contains items that don't go into other categories:

Price: $500


The Sports category contains balls from popular sports:

Price: $200