Bug Fixes Purified Ingot Recipes & Bug Fixes 10/2/19

Latest Additions
Added recipes to convert your Uncontaminated ores into their Purified Ingot forms. The recipes for gold and iron take longer than normal and will also give you more vanilla experience.
Added a vanilla EXP boost for leveling Smelting in Glass Of Skills.
This ability is unlocked at level 100 and at its max will give you 5x the vanilla EXP.
Added an ingot doubling mechanic for the Smelting skill.
Ability is unlocked at level 100 and at its max will have a 50% chance to double your ingots in the furnace.

Latest Fixes
Fixed Phantoms Spawning in player towns even with the mobs being turned off.
Fixed Nation inviting forcing a town into the nation if the mayor was not online to accept or decline the invite.
& more
