Need Info Money Lost


New member
Oct 28, 2020
On 10/27 evening I noticed all my money (60k) was missing. I can't say when it was gone by, I noticed it later in the night when I tried to buy an outpost and only had $75. I didn't deposit any of it into my town or send it to any other player. Another player named Jacobch2002_jc was on at the time he lost all his money earned as well. We were both on very late into 10/28 early morning, which could be a result of why it might only be us.

My only guess is I had a problem warping between servers when the new save data installment was added. All I did was a lot of warping between homes and worlds, placing hoppers, and fighting withers. If possible, I would like even a small portion back so I can expand my town but if not that's honestly fine. I can prove anything needed with screenshots and I feel players could vouch for being on /baltop. All my job xp is the same thankfully, just for whatever reason my balance got reset.