Info Bug Fixes 7/8/20 Update


Staff Member
Jul 17, 2019
I don't feel this is worthy of an announcement since this only affected 15 people, but after I updated the server with new bug fixes, they all lost their inventories and money. This has exposed a rather annoying flaw with our plugins that has shown me the current systems we have in place that back up inventories is not adequate anymore. This mostly includes inventories and bags but can also extend to things like petclaim, and, previously towny. Other problems with the 1.16.1 update itself is that on some of the plugins most of the CORE features of the plugin haven't changed since they were written. That's why custom items broke after the update and voids just deleted themselves when being placed.

Hopefully over the next few days I can get this inventory backup system in place so I can easily restore inventories and keep everything safer.

Hope you all understand.